Celiac Info

Here are some good resources for more information on celiac disease and being gluten free! 🙂

Celiac Disease Foundation
The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
Beyond Celiac
Gluten Free Living
Gluten Free Resource Directory
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Celiac Disease Center

Find Me Gluten Free

Social Media:
Celiac Handbook
Gluten Free Mama
Gluten Freeville
Gluten Free Frenzy

Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo

Delight Gluten Free
Gluten Free Living
Gluten Free & More
Simply Gluten Free

(If you know of any more that are not listed, leave it in the comments!)

2 thoughts on “Celiac Info

  1. My household switched to Gluten Free last year and it felt like such an overwhelming experience at first! I immediately ran to the grocery store when I found out of the GF allergy my child had and started grabbing anything that didn’t contain gluten. Wow, that was a huge bill! Basically what I am saying is that this kind of change in diet is something that you should be educated in before the complete transition. I found lots of things helpful (books, websites and even friends) when we made this big change in our lives. It’s good to see blogs like this one that provide information on how to get started. I would like to share anything that I found helpful as well

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s definitely a huge transition when you find out you need to change your diet so drastically. I agree that it’s best to know as much as possible about being gluten free when you make that adjustment. And thank you! I try to help as much as I can. 🙂 I would love to hear what specific resources helped you along the way in your gluten free journey.


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